Letter from Deputy Managing Director

Let me start by saying that we are delighted to welcome you at Zain Global. Our main goal is to welcome students from different parts of the world and then lead them until they reach the desired success with education.

I am happy to have the opportunity to share my feelings with students, guardians, colleges, universities and other stakeholders as more and more international students from over 30 different countries that choose to pursue their education in world ranked universities. We are here to help with a guidance, high integrity and transparency with the perfect knowledge that Zain Global London can proudly offer.

The Zain Global London is a lovely team ready to guide you through all the stages of the application process. Then, it can answer any questions you may have and help with your admission. Zain Global London associates also carefully select colleges and universities based on QAA (Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency) approval, education system (format) and affordability.

As a company deputy director, I would like to inform you that we have managed to select a large number of colleges and universities in the UK and around the world.

We are here for you and I can say that we organize education fairs, outdoor assessments, seminars and counselling before we start each entry. Our experts are cordial and hard-working individuals who will always help and guide your admissions to selected colleges or universities by maintaining the highest standard.

Our student support services are dedicated and proven and their effectiveness for success in admission in your admission process and our team will be for you throughout your journey until you find the right educational institution. We therefore believe that you will also achieve your academic and personal goals through the guidance and assistance provided by Zain Global London.

So, I can strongly confirm that we look forward to welcoming students from all over the world to be part of Zain Global London and to help you and to prepare you to hit your future educational success.

That is why I appreciate any feedback and recommendation from you that will make our cooperation meaningful. I sincerely hope your student journey to be an outstanding experience, both personally and academically. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

MD Belal Deputy Managing Director